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Tension Problem

by Janice

When using the suggested needles and yarn but I don't get the tension right, is it better to adjust needles to get close to the number of stitches or the number of rows?

Everything I've seen online only refers to stitch count. There's nothing said about the number of rows.

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Nov 08, 2016
Adjusting Tension
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Janice,

It is best to get the closest number of stitches suggested because this would be the width of the project. The row part is important too but you can measure it as you go. You can add more row easily if you need but not with the width. That's why most (hand-knitted) patterns don't pay much attention to the rows.

I remember when my first knitted knitted sweater came out so big and wide because I didn't check my stitches. I just cast on with needle and yarn suggested.

I hope this helps.


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