Voliere yarns from Knit Picks

this is not regarding anything on your web site, but wondered if you can tell me

I found a pattern that calls for a helpful needle, couldn't find an answer on internet and wondered if you know. thanks Dee

Comments for this is not regarding anything on your web site, but wondered if you can tell me

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Oct 25, 2019
A helpful needle
by: Ratchadawan

Your welcome! Thanks for letting me know. Good luck with you project!

Oct 22, 2019
helpful needle
by: Anonymous

Sorry, I was trying to put everything I needed together, If I would have read the pattern, I would have figured it out, didn't know it was a pattern with very small cables.

Oct 22, 2019
helpful needle
by: Anonymous

I found out that its a cable needle, thanks for your response. Have a great day

Oct 20, 2019
a pattern that calls for a helpful needle
by: Ratchadawan

A helpful needle. Hmmm. I've never heard of it. Could it be any needle that helpful to you? I'm not sure. If the pattern doesn't call for specific size of needle then it's probably up to you to choose. Maybe it means to find needle that works best for your yarn. I'm not so sure. So, sorry I can be much of a help here.

Thank you for sharing this. I'll keep an eye out for this. Will let you know if I find any information.


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Samia Yarn from Knit Picks

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