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To shape raglan

by Joanna

Hi my pattern is a hooded baby cardigan & says:M =
1st row is : K,1, * p1, k1, rep from* to end
2nd row is p1, * k1, p1, rep from* to end
3 &4 rep of 1&2,
Row 5 is k1, *p1, leaving yarn @ front sl 1 p.w. Rep from * to last 2 sts p1, k1
Row 6 is. K1, * p1, k1, rep from * to end. These 6 rows form pattern
HERE’s where I’m struggling= Start To Shape Raglan
row 1. k1, skpo, patt to end
row 2 says patt to last 2 sts,p2.
row 3 says k2, patt to end,
row 4 says patt, to last 2 sts, p2

What do I do for these 4 rows?
What does patt to end mean? Because If I repeat k1 skpo to end of the 1st row, I decrease stitches so rapidly that I don’t have enough sts by the end of the four rows to continue following the instructions to start shaping the neck bit!
Any help is much appreciated.


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Feb 16, 2020
Shaping Raglan
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Jo

"row 1. k1, skpo, patt to end
row 2 says patt to last 2 sts,p2.
row 3 says k2, patt to end,
row 4 says patt, to last 2 sts, p2"

To "pattern to en" in this case referring to the pattern that you are working on the sweater body, e.g. stockinette or garter. It doesn't mean the k1, skpo. pattern.

So, what you'll work on will look like these;

Row 1: k1, skpo, work to end of row.
Row 2: Work to last 2 sts, p2.
Row 3: K2, work to end of row.
Row 4: Work to last 2 sts, p2.

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