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top down raglan with different colored sleeves on circ needles

by Jan

Hi, I sure hope you can help me with this as I have been searching for a few days!! and ripped several times.

I have a pattern in which the knitting is done flat and all pieces joined together. I don't like to do this and prefer to knit on circular needles, top down.

So, this is a standard top down raglan, BUT the sleeves are of different yarn/color. I have tried trapping the yarns several ways which didn't work.

Would you have any suggestions? Im guessing that I probably have to somehow separate the sleeves at the shoulder and piece them on or something. I am new at the top-down and the trapping but am learning and practicing.


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Jan 25, 2018

by: Ratchadawan

Hi Jan,

It seems to me that the sweater is made out of 4 pieces. The bodies and the sleeves are joint at the end. The finishing off with a neck edge with the lighter color yarn.

I would suggest using the lighter color yarn to seam the sleeve since it won't be as obvious as darker one.

There're many video you can watch at Youtube. Here is a link to many Raglan sleeve joining videos.


The sweater looks beautiful! Good luck with your project.


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