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Turn in Knitting

by Lea
(Watertown CT USA)

The pattern reads K15(17-19 turn) I have never come across this before.

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Feb 28, 2021
Turn in knitting
by: Ratchadawan

When knitting involves turn or wrap and turn, it is called "short rows" knitting.

You can look up "short rows knitting" on YouTube and try watching a few. This will give you some idea of how the work goes.

Turning work creates slopes like heel of sock, bust line or shaping shawls into desired curves.

On the pattern you wrote above has 3 sizes. K15 (17 -19 Turn)
You either k15, 17 or 19 and then leave the rest of the stitches that are on the left needle unworked. You flip or turn your work and start working back toward where you started before. You keep going back and forth until whenever the pattern wants to stop.

I hope this makes sense.
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