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Understanding a Knitting Kit Pattern

by Sara

ALDI Pattern

ALDI Pattern

Hi - I am a complete novice and picked up a supermarket craft kit (Knitted whale) and thought this would be a good place to start. I have been able to cast on/knit and purl, thanks to You Tube but I am struggling to actually undertand what the pattern is asking me to do (attached).

For example the instruction:(k2 inc) five times (20) and (k4 inc) five times 30?

I know to increase the stitches but am not sure at what point and do I carry on and knit the entire row or just add stitches and switch to the next row instruction?

The kit says suitable for age 14+ and I am 51 so it is not doing much for my self-confidence!!

Thank you, Sara (Salisbury UK)


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May 27, 2020
ALDI Whale Pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Sara,

Thank you for your question. The whale is very cute!

let's take a look at row 1 and 3;

Row 1: k (10).

This mean knit. (10 sts total)

Row 3: [k1, inc] 5 times (15)

This means, you knit 1 st, then increase a stitch. Do this "k1, inc" for 5 times total. This makes 15 sts total when completing the row. That's what (15) mean.

Now, you can find your own way of increase. Knitters prefer different thing. Some knitters like to do knit into front and back of the same stitch and others prefer making a new stitch between the two stitch.

For me personally, I like to make a new stitch in between because it look neater to me.

The other rows of the pattern have the same concepts as row 1 and 3.
I hope this help clarify your question.

Here is a link to how to increase stitches on my site;


Have a lovely evening!

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