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Uneven number of stitches for toe up cast on

by Kate Evans
(United kingdom)

Hello. I am knitting Ada Lovelace socks from blue moon fiber arts. The pattern calls for 15 stitches to be cast in. What method do you recommend, as all the tutorials only mention an even number of cast on stitches.

Thank you ever so much.

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Jun 18, 2021
Ada Lovelace socks
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Kate,

I'm not sure how to tell you. I think 15 sts are just for the center of the toe part. It will increase gradually and maybe by then you'll gain an even number of stitches. Or, maybe not. I really can't tell you.

When doing toe up sock I usually cast on half a number of my total stitches and do short rows. Mine is around 30 sts. and when complete short rows I would get 60 sts.

Designers have different ways of doing thing. I would just follow the pattern and work with 15 sts. and see what happens.

The pattern looks beautiful. I wish I can see the pattern so I know exactly what to suggest.

I hope it will all work out well for you. Have fun!


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