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What does this mean? "last 2 rows set armhole shaping"

by Heather Silvertongue
(Britain )

tank top image

tank top image

I am a relatively new to knitting, and I am doing a pattern for a tank top. There is something that I don't understand: it says 'Last 2 rows set armhole shapings'. Is it a command or just some information? What does it mean? Grateful for the help :)

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Jun 06, 2024
last 2 rows set armhole shaping - meaning
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Heather,

In knitting patterns, instructions like "Last 2 rows set armhole shapings" are typically informational. This phrase means that the instructions you just followed in the last two rows have established the shaping for the armholes of the tank top.

It’s letting you know that the armhole shaping begins with the last two rows you just knit. This is important because it sets the context for future instructions.

You'll be more likely to be instructed to repeat these two rows for the armhole shaping.

Thanks for asking. Happy Knitting!

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