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What is insert needle under next horizontal loop of row below and knit?

by Jeanette
(New Zealand)

Hi I hope you can help please as I just don't understand how to do the following from the knitting pattern I have.

It reads as follows:

K1, insert needle under next horizontal loop of row below
(between sts) and knit this st. Repeat from * across, ending K6

Do you know if there is a video to watch for the above as I am
needing to watch how this is done?

Thank you very much




Hi Jeanette, Thank you for the question. I hope this is not too late. The pattern want you to increase a stitch by knitting into a horizontal strain of yarn of the previous row. It does sound a little confusing when you don't see how it done. I took a morning off and did a little video for you and then I had to do the voice over because I didn't like the way it turned out. Well, finally I got the final video done but not as perfect.
Here it is. I hope it helps.

How to increase knitting by knitting into a horizontal loop of the previous row.

I also have a picture illustration about this increase at; increase knitting. Just scroll down toward bottom. It is right below the video.

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Dec 05, 2013
horizontal loop of row below & knit
by: jeanette

Hi Thank you so very very much for explaining how to do this. Also your video is very good.
Much appreciated, Thank you
10 Star site. :-)


You're welcome, Jeanette. Glad it helps.


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