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Working the front of a sweater

by Julia

My instructions are “ FRONT Work as given for back until 16 (16: 16: 18: 18) rows less have been worked before start of shoulder shaping, ending with a WS row.”. Am I correct in thinking I have to add the rows instructed for the back, but, at the point of knitting the front shoulder, I minus out 16 rows and then start the shoulder shaping? Won’t this make the front shorter than the back?

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Jul 10, 2023
working the front of a sweater - shoulder shaping
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Julia,

I think this might be the beginning of the front neck. Can you check the instruction again. It seems to me that 16 rows are too many for shoulder shaping. You have to have a neck line and I think this might be it.


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