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6 plait boys and girls back to school vest.

Old vest

Old vest

Hello, I think I’m losing my mind! I am having a terrible time making the cables on this vest. I have made the vest before and it worked beautifully. But now I cannot get a double cable going. I have 6 stitches total for the cable section. On row 1 purl 2 then I do cable the next 4 stitches with cable in front. Then I purl the 2 remaining purl stitches. On row 2 I just purl the row. Then on row 3 I use the same 6 stitches, purl the 2 first stitches, then I cable the next 4 with cable in back, then I purl the next 2 stitches. Then I purl all of row 4. But I am not getting a double cable and only getting one cable. What am I doing wrong? Help!!!!!

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Sep 14, 2020
6 stitch-cable trouble
by: Ratchadawan


Your first cable looks perfect! I think the problem is with row one. You started out with purl 2 instead of placing 2 sts on a cable needle. Just make sure you have a marker on each side of the 6 sts cable pattern so that you can keep the 2 purl stitches separated.

I could be wrong. You might have made a mistake somewhere else. But like I said use markers. It'll be much easier.

Thank you for sending in your question and tried out the vest pattern.


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Samia Yarn from Knit Picks

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