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Beginner Eyelet Scarf Knitting Pattern

You can skip reading if you rather go directly to print out a pattern at google doc here; Beginner Eyelet Scarf Knitting Pattern 

Beginner Eyelet Scarf is a simple scarf with 3 sets of eyelet borders at the beginning and the end.  It is mostly knitted in stockinette stitch with garter side edges as well as the top and the bottom ends of the scarf.

At first, I was tempting to call this “holy scarf” due to the key feature of eyelet holes.  After a long debate I decided to stick with the generic name which is “beginner eyelet scarf”.  This way people can easily find it on the web search. 

I used almost a skein of fairly light wool to make this. I missed calculated and has extra left. The yarn is Scrumptious dk/worsted 45 % silk and 55% merino yarn by Fyberspates (100g/220m/241 yds) which I ordered from Craftsy.  Craftsy is no longer selling yarn. Now I buy yarns at Knitpicks.com which I'm also affiliated with.  The scarf is just long enough to reach my waist when hanging over my neck without wrapping.  I am going to use the leftover yarn to make a ring just like napkin ring to bind both sides together when i want a different look.  I would suggest using 2 balls of wool if you’re using wool that is heavier than mine or if you want the scarf to be a little bit longer to wrap around your neck a few times.

I'm wearing newly made beginner eyelet scarf.

You can skip reading if you rather go directly to print out a pattern at google doc here; Beginner Eyelet Scarf Knitting Pattern 


  1. 1-2 balls of worsted weight yarn of your choice                depending on the length you want. 
  2. Knitting needles size US #8 (5mm)


Cast on 31 sts loosely.  Knit garter border (knit every row) for 1 inch ending with a wrong side.  Then knit eyelet pattern below beginning on the right side of work.

Eyelet Pattern In writing

Row 1 (right side): K4, *yo, k2tog; repeat from * to last 3 sts, k3.

Row 2 (wrong side): K4, p to last 4 sts, k4.

Row 3: k4, *k2tog, yo; repeat from * to last 3 sts, k3.

Row 4: as row 2.

Repeat row 1-4 one more time to complete one set of eyelet pattern.

Chart For Eyelet Pattern

After completing one set of eyelet pattern, work 6 rows in stockinette st on the main body of the scarf while keeping side edges in garter st.  

Repeat an eyelet pattern and stockinette body 2 more times.  Remember to keep both side edges in garter stitch at all times.  

Continue working in stockinette with garter border until 7 inches shorter than desired length.  Then work eyelet patterns alternate with stockinette st as previous ending with garter border. Trim and weave all ends behind work.  Block piece and enjoy!

Note: if you're using just one ball of yarn, you're probably wonder how in the world you would know how much yarn you will leave for the last part of the scarf.  Here is the rule of yarn; 1 row of work = 3 x the length of a row in unworked yarn.  So if you have about 30 rows of work left before finishing the scarf.  So calculation formula would look something like this (wide of scarf x3x30 = length of yarn needed).

You can skip reading if you rather go directly to print out a pattern at google doc here; Beginner Eyelet Scarf Knitting Pattern 

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Samia Yarn from Knit Picks

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