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Easy Winter Lace Scarf - Free Knitting Pattern

Winter is getting close and it a perfect time to start knitting a cozy scarf for yourself or your love ones.  This easy Winter lace scarf would be a good project for a new knitter who is looking for something a little more challenge to try.  Also those who already mastered knitting skills may enjoy the simplicity of this lace pattern.

winter lace scarf in repeated columns

This pattern has just about what not so beginners need; knit, purl, yo, and p3tog.  I will throw in a few tricky stitches to make your scarf edges look nice and neat.  I promise you’ll love the result.  A ball of 100 gm worsted yarn was enough for me to make the scarf.  Of cause, you can make your as long as you like.  The good thing about knitting this scarf is that we don’t have to worry about the gauge.  Just have to focus on the pattern on each row.  

Here Are Supplies needed For This Winter Lace Scarf Project


  1. 100 g undyed baby wool & alpaca (I used Cascade Eco Duo)
  2. Knitting needle US # 8 (5mm) needle (straight or circular of your choice)
  3. A row counter to keep track of your pattern
  4. A pair of scissors to cut yarn
  5. Tapestry needle to weave ends


Note: It might be a good idea to watch the video I made just for making this scarf first before you begin to give you some idea how to slip the stitches.

Begin cast on 29 sts using  long tail cast on method. Knit 3 rows (if you’re using other cast on method, you need to knit 4 rows so that you end up with the wrong side row). Begin working on the pattern below;

Row 1 (right side): Sl 1 purlwise through back loop (see video at; 5:35), p 1, k1, p1, *yrnd, p3tog, yrdn, p1, k1, p1* repeat from * to last st, k1.

Row 2: Sl 1 purlwise through front loop (see video at; 11:35), k1, p1, k1, *p 3, k1, p1, k1* repeat from * to last st, k1.

Row 3: Sl 1 through back loop, p1, k1, p1, *k3,  p1, k1, p1;  repeat from * to the last st, k1.

Row 4: Sl1 through front loop, k1, p1, k1,* p3, k1,p1,k1; repeat from * to the last st, k1.

Repeat these four rows until you have just enough yarn left to do one more row of row 1, 4 rows of garter stitch and a cast off row. That would require about 18 times as much yarn as the length of the scarf (see video at 19:10). Once you done the bind off, then cut off yarn and weave any visible ends behind work on the wrong sides.  You can block your scarf it you like.

Watch A Video Tutorial On How To Knit Winter Lace Scarf Here

Knitting Terms And Abbreviation

sl 1      = slip one stitch

k          = knit

p          = purl

p3tog   = purl 3 sts together at once

yrnd (yarn round needle)    =  wrap yarn around working needle (right needle) once.  Sometimes, you’ll see “yo” being used instead of yrnd.  Because “YO” after the purl stitch is a bit different than yo after the knit st, so using yrnd make a much more easier to understand.

 Click Here To view and print this Winter lace scarf pattern in Google Doc  without ads

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