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Adriafil chart not sure how to read

by Diane Street
(Uk Dorset)

Please can you help me understand how to do this knitting chart as I don't know what they mean by starting with stitch A B C D.Not sure which row I start with stitch A and then stitch B. If I can't work it out I will just make the whole garment in St St. Hope you can help please the knitting pattern is The Daphne cardigan

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Oct 03, 2023
adriafil chart not sure how to read
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Diane,

It got me confused for a minute there. I think I've got it now.
You select the letter that corresponds to your size.
for example, if you have to cast on 72 sts which is the smallest size then you would begin the stitch marked A and if you cast on 76 sts then you would start with st marked B and so forth. So, just look for your number not other one, Okay?

I hope this helps and best to you,


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