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Advantage Of Increasing And Decreasing In Cable Knitting

by Kassy
(Jay, OK)


I'm working creating my own cable pattern and have a question about increasing. I have used a pattern in the past that uses several m1's and inc 1-3 to create the cable design then used decreases to return to original number of cast on. My question is what is the advantage of using increases and decreases in a cable pattern as opposed to to just starting with a set number of stitches and making cables? Thank you in advance!!


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Sep 04, 2015
Increase & Decrease In Cable Knitting
by: Ratchadawan

To me, I think it depends on the designer and the project itself. The cable pattern tends to pull stitches closer, therefore make the piece slightly narrower than just a plain knit stitch. So, if you knit a project like a sweater with ribbing, you might want to have more stitches at the body for the cable to give a body a little more ease.

If I were to make a strait project such as a scarf using cable pattern. I would start my cast on with the same set of stitches I need for my cable.

Thank you for your question. Have a wonderful weekend.


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