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American girl doll snow princess dress.

by Kathleen
(Mexico, Maine)

Just began this snow princess dress pattern and row two says the following and I cannot figure how that adds eight stitches every even row and after 16 rows there should be 116 stitches after having started with 52.

"Row 2 and all even rows: purl. In each even row purl to the last st before the marker, yo, p2, yo. Thus the number of stitches increases by 8 in each even row."

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Oct 28, 2016
American Girl Doll Snow Princess Dress
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Kathleen,

There are 4 markers where increases take place. Each marker should have yo x 2 which is count as 2 stitches increase. 2 stitches increase x 4 = 8 sts. per each even row. The pattern says to knit 16 rows which makes only 8 rows of increases. 8 rows x 8 sts = 64 sts. We have total of 64 sts increase + 52 sts from cast on = 116 sts.

I hope this makes sense to you. Keep on knitting and you count on the odd rows and you'll see the increase sts better. It's a very cute pattern. Enjoy!

Thanks for visiting,


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