Voliere yarns from Knit Picks

Awesome! Easy! fun!!!!

by Jody
(Lancaster, Pennsylvania)


Hello. My name is Jody. I've wanted to learn how for a long time, and now I'm so excited because of this website! I've tried so many orher websites and watched so many videos. They were so confusing and didn't make any sense at all. So 2 days ago, I discovered your website, and read and watched the directions and videos of how to begin knitting. It was so simple and made easy! I've actually fallen more in love with knitting because you make me want to learn more! I'm now learning how to connect the stitches! Thank-You for this awesome and fun website! It's so much fun! I'm gonna recommend this site to my friends and family who wants to learn how to knit!

Thanks Again!

Jody Snyder


Ratcha's Response

Hi Jody,

I'm so happy that you find this website helpful. I wish you the best on your knitting journey! You make my heart filled with joy knowing that all my hard work I put on this site have been worthwhile. And most of all, I have passed on my passion of knitting to people who are determine to learn how to knit like you.
This is just so great!

So much appreciated you wrote me this awesome note!


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Dec 06, 2014
Awesome Easy And Fun!
by: Ratcha

Hi Jody,

I'm so happy that you find this website helpful. I wish you the best on your knitting journey! You make my heart filled with joy knowing that all my hard work I put on this site have been worthwhile. And most of all, I have passed on my passion of knitting to people who are determined to learn how to knit like you.
This is just so great!

So much appreciated you wrote me this awesome note!


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Samia Yarn from Knit Picks

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