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Baby blanket beginner!!

by Krystal horn
(Clearwater mn 55320)


Here is my pattern: 2 skeins of pluscious
CO 4 st k2 YO k to end
Repeat for 1 skein

K1, k2 tog, yo, k2tog
With 2nd skein till 4 sts
Bind off

So I'm done with first skein but what does k1, k2tog, yo, k2tog mean?? I'm confused and intimidated by the second half of this !!!! Any help would be great!!! Thanks!



Hi Krystal,

I don't quite get the pattern at all unless there are a lot missing from it. Is there anyway I can see the whole pattern? Take a photo or if you can link me to it or whatever way. Love to help.

Will be waiting.


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Feb 09, 2014
Thank you!!!
by: Anonymous

You are such a huge help!!!! Thank you so much I appreciate your time!! Now I know where to go from now on for knitting help!!!



You're welcome!


Feb 08, 2014
Baby blanket
by: Krystal horn

Well, I took a beginning knitting class and just wrote the pattern down so I don't have the original. It's a blanket that's starting in the corner and increases a stick with a yarn over each row so now with my second skein I have to decrease one each row by still creating a hole after knitting 2 to match the first half, sorry its so confusing! I'm not sure if this info will help?



Hi Krystal,

Thank you for taking time explaining to me. It helps me a whole lot. I wasn't thinking about knitting from the corner in my mind. Should have thought of that!

Actually I knitted a little sample of this blanket to make sure what I'll tell you is right. It's a cute little thing.

Here is what you will do next;

Next row: K1, k2 tog, yo, k2tog, K to the end of row.
Repeat this row until you have 4 sts left, then bind off.

I assumed that you know how to k2tog already. If you want to review it then you can go to; decrease knitting

Good luck with your blanket, Krystal!


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