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brackets in knitting

I get confused sometimes when reading a pattern (rs) k8.k1tbl.(p1.k1tbl)4 times1 time. Can you explain what is repeated 4 times and then 1 time?

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Apr 29, 2020
by: Anonymous

Please can you explain P1, [ml,(K1,p1,k1) all in next st, ml, p1 k5tog,p1]to end

thank you


Can you clarify that ml? I don't know what ml in knitting is unless it noted in the pattern. Could this be m1 (m one) instead of ml? Is this a whole row of the direction? I'm puzzling of why it doesn't have * for repeating.


Jan 03, 2020
need help with pattern instruction in brackets
by: Ratchadawan


Thanks for sending your question. Your pattern states; [k8,k1tbl, (p1, k1tbl) 4 times] 1 time.

This is to do "k8,k1tbl" once and then do " p1, k1tbl" 4 times. For your size, you just have to do everything in the bracket just one time. So there is nothing else you need to do. If there were 2 instead of 1 then you would need to repeat the whole thing once more.

I hope this makes sense.
Happy New Year!


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