Voliere yarns from Knit Picks

Cable CO


If the pattern says;

work rows 1-8 work rows 1-6 once more 70st

now this is what I don't understand:

Cable CO 14 sts 84 sts



The pattern wants to increase 14 sts on the next row so that you'll have 84 sts total. The cable cast on is one of a few ways to increase many sts at once. So, what you have to do next is;
* At the beginning of the next row, insert needle in to the space between the first and the second stitch and knit as usual. Place the new st just knitted on to the left needle. Repeat from * until you gain 14 cast on sts.

Please see my written and video cable cast on demonstration at;

I hope this helps answer your question and good luck with your project.


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Samia Yarn from Knit Picks

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