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Calculate decreases for Ragland sleeves

by Gina
(Germany )

How does one calculate the number of stitches to decrease and how often to decrease stitches for a Raglan jacket knitted from the bottom up, please?

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Oct 21, 2024
Calculate decreases for Ragland sleeves
by: Ratcha

Hi Gina,

Thanks for asking.

Calculating Stitches for Raglan Shaping

When planning raglan shaping, I start by determining how many stitches I want to decrease and how many stitches I want to remain in each section.

Step 1: Determine Width and Length
For example, let's say I have 100 stitches at the underarm for the front section, and I want to reduce this to 30 stitches over a length of 8 inches. This means I need to decrease a total of 70 stitches, which breaks down to 35 stitches from each end.

Step 2: Calculate Depth and Row Gauge
Next, I need to consider my row gauge. Let’s assume my gauge is 8 rows per inch. Since I need to cover 8 inches for the raglan shaping, that would require a total of 64 rows for this section.

Step 3: Plan the Decreases
Typically, raglan shaping is done every other row on the right side. However, when I look at my calculations, I see that decreasing 35 stitches over 64 rows would mean I’d need to decrease approximately every 1.8 rows, which isn’t practical for knitting.

To make this more manageable, I adjust my plan. I can decrease every 2 rows for the first 60 rows, and then decrease every row for the last 4 rows. This approach will leave me with a total decrease of 34 stitches from each end, which is the closest to my goal.

(number of rows need decrease) divided by (number of stitches decrease) = frequency of decrease

You can seach youtube video for raglan shaping to see how other knitters calculate their.

Best to you and your project. Happy knitting!


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