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cannot understand part of the directions


I am knitting a fingerless mitten, and it is on your free patterns! I am coming along pretty good till I ran into this problem. I am working on the thumb gusset. Row 1: k17,place marker, increase 1 stitch in next 2 stitches, place marker there should be 4 st. between markers, knit 17 sts. Row 2: Purl on all even rows. Row3: knit 17, slip marker, k2,inc 1 sts. in the next st, slip marker (6 sts between markers knit 17. Row 4.purl all. Row 5: k17, slm, inc 1 st. in the next st. k 4, increase 1 st. in the next st. slm, k17.

It is on row 3 with the problems..on the end of row 3 it states: you should have 6 sts.between markers and I only have 4.

Thank you kindly

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Nov 26, 2016
Fingerless mitten direction
by: Ratchadawan


I'm sorry that you're having trouble with the pattern. I'm trying to find the fingerless pattern that you mention above on my site, but the link to the original pattern page doesn't exist anymore. I added the link but I am not the designer.

There is something not right about row 3 increasing. You should have 4 sts between the markers on row 1 (increase a st, in each st). Then the pattern ended up with 6 sts between the markers on row 3. In this case, the instruction should state " K17, slm, k2, inc 1 sts in next 2 sts, (not in the next st as written in the pattern above), slm, k17.

I'm thinking this is a typo. So I would suggest you do row 3 like this;
K 17, slip marker, k2, inc 1 sts in the next 2 sts, slip marker, k17.

Then follow the rest of the instruction.

Thank you for sending in your question and visiting. Have a wonderful weekend.


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