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Casting On In The Middle Of A Project

by Lillian



I am in the middle of knitting a project. I have knit about 30 rows and the pattern is telling me to cast on 11 stitches. I have never cast on in the middle of a project, and not sure what to do. Can you help me, please.





Hi Lilian,

Thank you for submitting a question. I was going to answer you in writing, but then I thought this might be a bit more complex to picture it. So, instead I made a quick video to show you how I would do the cast on.

Here is the video on "Casting On In The Middle Of A Project"

Use this link; http://youtu.be/kKRJJhUeeMY If you don't see a video below. It takes awhile to show up sometimes.

I hope this video helps you with your project.

Wish you the best!


Note: Knitters use different methods of cast on depending on pattern instructions and personal preferences. I prefer Knitted Cast On and Cable Cast On for a more sturdy and for lace and other loose project I would use Single Cast On. Please see; https://www.to-knit-knitting-stitches.com/casting-on.html for the mentioned cast on methods.

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