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Choosing a welt and increasing

by Jane Jones

I'm knitting an Icelandic sweater for my son. He says he prefers a welt that goes straight down and doesn't pull in. So I thought of substituting garter stitch for the K2P2 rib in the pattern.But now I'm worried about the increasing that you do when you change needles and start the rest of the sweater. Do I still need to increase? And if I don't , do I need to start with more stitches to et the right size?

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Jan 05, 2024
by: Jane

Thanks so much for getting back so quickly!

It's lovely to be able to knit for your kids even when they are grown up. Especially when they are grown up! I have three sons. I am very lucky.

When my brother died this year we found at least twenty sweaters in his cupboards that my mother made him. Plus one that I knitted him when I was 18, 50 years before. Hand knitted sweaters equal love!
Unfortunately it has moth in the front, Perhaps in a while I'll post a question about mending it.....!


What a great story! 'm so sorry about your brother. I'm sure those 20 sweaters will be treasured by many love ones. I mended my socks a few time on knitting loom. It came out fine. Mending by hand will be more challenging but I'm sure you can manage.

Thanks for sharing your story.


Jan 04, 2024
Choosing a welt and increasing
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Jane,

I like to do that too keeping the welt the same as the body.
I think it is safe to cast on with the same number of stitches as the body and do garter stitch for the welt as you mentioned. Use the same needle for the welt and the body.

Thank you for the question. Your son is lucky to have a mom who knits for him.

Take care,


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