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Confused by instructions on how to knit a leg opening

by Jody

Dog coat instructions

Dog coat instructions

I am attempting a dog coat. I've never done any kind of garment so I can't visualize what they're instructing me to do. The instructions say "Note: work all leg sections at the same time using a separate ball of yarn for each section.
Beg with a WS row, work 1 1/2 ins in pat from cast off sts, ending with RS facing for next row."

Do they mean between the cast off stitches or between the cast off stitches and the end of the row? Do I leave the stitches I'm not working on on the current knitting needle or transfer them back and forth as I'm knitting the 1 1/2"?


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Jan 11, 2022
Dog coat instruction
by: Ratchadawan

You'll work only on stitches that are left on the needle. Leave the bound off stitches alone. You'll be casting on to make up for this later on. Since you'll be working with stitches that are not all connected due to the bind off sections. You'll need to join a new ball of yarn for each section between each bo section.

Begins working on the next row until you come to the first bind off section. Use a new yarn to begin the next section after the bind off and do the same with each section. Use separate ball of yarn to work on each section Don't join work and make sure to work all the sections at the same and in the same row.

You start measuring work at the bind off row. When you get 1 1/2 inch long you stop but make sure to end with the wrong side row.

I hope this helps. Thanks for visiting and question.


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