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Decreases on a raglan sleeved back

by Karen

I am knitting a raglan sleeved cardigan. I'm knitting the back section. I got to the decreases and realize that I don't like the way the k2 k1 s1 psso decrease looks compared to the opposite side that uses knit to last 4 sts then k2 together k2. Through trial and error I found that I could replace the first decrease with k3 k2 and it would produce the same two diagonal lines on the edge (not the decrease sts) that the second decrease does. My question is whether doing this will cause any problems later on in the pattern? This sweater is all stockinette except for the ribbing and the same color throughout.

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Feb 07, 2023
Decreases on a raglan sleeved back
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Karen,

You meant k3 then k2tog, right? If that want you like then go for it. As long as you maintain the same number of stitches as the pattern you shouldn't have any problem.

Thank you for sharing this.
Have a great day!


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