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Decreasing alternate rows

by Brenda
(Illinois )

Hello, my pattern has four rows that shape the raglan that I am to knit over and over. Each row has two decreases in it. My next instruction is to decrease at the end of the row on the next, and every alternate row following.

My question is, what do I do with the decreases in the other rows? Do I only knit the alternate rows for this instruction?

Thank you for your help!

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Jun 02, 2022
decease every alternate rows
by: Ratchadawan

Yes, you work one row decrease and one row even.

It depends on which of those 4 rows you will leave it even without decreasing. If it's on row 1 or 3, then you should skip the sl-k-psso and k2tog, and knit each stitch instead.

If it falls on row 2 and 4 then skip the p2tog and p2togtbl. Purl each stitch instead.

I hope this makes sense.

Thanks for the question and visit. Happy knitting!


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