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DROPS tube sock Whirlwind Socks

by Barbara
(Sterling, MA)

whirlwind socks (courtesy of Drops Design)

whirlwind socks (courtesy of Drops Design)

after k2/p2 ribbing the pattern wants me to work 1 round rib shifting the rib 1 st to the left as follows: on K2/P2 work P1/K2/P1. then continue as follows: Work 4 rounds with K over K and P over P, then shift the rib 1 st to left again, as described above.

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Sep 03, 2024
shifting the ribbing pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Barbara,

Thanks for the question. I'll try to explain how to shift ribbing for whirl wind socks as best as I can.

Here we go;

Shift the ribbing pattern to the left by 1 stitch:

Instead of starting with K2/P2, you'll start with P1/K2/P1.
So, you'll purl 1 stitch, knit 2 stitches, and then purl 1 stitch.

After this, continue with the normal K2/P2 ribbing pattern for the rest of the round.

Work 4 rounds in this new ribbing pattern:

This means you'll knit over the knit stitches and purl over the purl stitches, just as you've been doing, but following the new pattern of P1/K2/P1 at the beginning of each round.

Shift the ribbing again:

After 4 rounds, you'll shift the ribbing to the left by 1 stitch again, just like you did before. This creates a subtle, diagonal pattern in your ribbing as you continue knitting.

So, you're essentially moving the ribbing pattern over by one stitch every few rounds, which gives your work a nice, textured effect.

Good luck with the socks. They're pretty!


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