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Easy Summer Knitting Pattern
Girl Skirt In Simple Stockinette Stitch

by Ratcha

Knitted Summer Skirt

Knitted Summer Skirt

Pretty Girl Skirt In Simple Stockinette and eyelet Stitches Pattern

Size: Can be customized to fit any ages. All you have to do is check your gauge and cast on the right amount of stitches you need. The follow the rest of the pattern.
Click Here to Download PDF File for this pattern

This is the first skirt I designed for my daughters when they were two. They are five now and skirt still fits them but it's getting a bit shorter.

Suwan, is my older twin girl. She happily volunteered to wear her skirt and to post for me here. This skirt has traveled all over the country with us on our cross country trip last year!

The skirt is knitted in round using circular knitting needles. It knitted in 3 tier levels. The second tier has twice as many stitches as the first tier, and the third has twice as many stitches as the second. The edge of the skirt is composed of chain crochet and single crochet.

I blocked the skirt on a towel on my carpet floor. The skirt looked like a big circle with a hole in the middle.

This is one of my favorite skirt because I like the way it hang on the body.

Gauge: approximately 5 sts/7rows/inch on us # 6 (4mm) needle
Finished Measurement: waist size = 20 inches, skirt length = 12 inches.


- 16 inches-circular knitting needle size # 6 US
- 29 inches-circular knitting needle size # 6 US
- 150 g (about 5 oz) of 3 ply-worsted weigh yarn or light worsted weight yarn of your choice.
- 1/2 inch width elastic waist band

- tapestry needle
- 4mm crochet hook (optional for edging)


Waist Band : With the shorter needle cast on 100 stitches. (Increase cast on by 5 sts to add an extra inch to the waist line.) Place marker and join the yarn make sure not to twist it.

Row 1-5: Knit.
Row 6: Purl.
Row 7-11: Knit.
Row 12: Purl.
Row 13-32: Knit. (decrease number of rows if you preferred shorter.)
Row 33: Purl.

Row 34: (Increase tier 2): Change to the longer needle. *yf, k1, repeat from * to the end.
Row 35: Purl.
Knit the next 25 rows. (decrease number of rows if you want shorter skirt.)
Next Row: Purl.

Next Row (increase tier 3): *yf, K1, repeat from * to the end.
Next row: Purl.
Knit the next 25 rows, p 1 row.
Bind off all stitches. Don't cut yarn.
*Make 3 chains with the crochet hook and sc into the 3 rd st; repeat from * to the end.
Cut yarn and weave the end to back of stitches.

Cut 21 inches of elastic band and sew both ends together. Fold the first 5 rows of the skirt over to the wrong side to form a waist band. Place elastic band inside the seam and sew along the purl line using the left over yarn and a tapestry needle.

I hope I didn't leave anything out.
The skirt pattern is pretty much the same as the other toddler skirt except this one has 3 tiers instead of 2.

Let me know if you have any questions. I'll be happy to answer.

Click Here to Download PDF File for this pattern

Click Here To See More Girl Skirt Patterns

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Girl Skirt In Simple Stockinette Stitch

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Feb 09, 2023
Making this skirt
by: Anonymous

I am using a cotton yarn and 4.5mm needles. My granddaughter is 10 with a 26" waist. I have casted on 115 stitches.
I am down below the eyelet and have done the increase. Going to have her try iton before Igomuch further.
So far so good.

Feb 06, 2023
Circular skirt
by: MaryBeth

I am also going to make this skirt for a 7 and 10 yr/old. I want to use cotton yarn. Will this wok for this pattern and what size needle? I am not a novice knitter but have never attempted anything to wear other than baby hats, mittens and booties.


Hi MaryBeth,

Cotton yarn would work but don't knit it tight. You can even use one size bigger than suggested by the yarn label.

Medium yarn like worsted weigh or dk work fine. You can modify it to fit any size you want. All the directions on how to make it fit your desired size are in the pattern.



Jan 28, 2017
Thank you!
by: Mrs. Boots

Oh, it is turning out so well! Thank you for explaining what it meant. After reading your reply, I went on YouTube to get a visual before I tried it. It looks really cute, with the little eyelet pattern. I have just begun the third tier. I have no idea how to read patterns, so this is my first time trying a pattern. Before, I stuck to scarves, blankets and simple hats in the round with no patterns. Thanks so much for posting this, and for being available to answer questions!


You're welcome! I'm so glad you are exploring new areas of knitting. The skirt is fun to knit and it's simple. I used to make many of them for my girls when they were younger and they love wearing them everywhere. Good luck on you knitting and thank you for stopping by.


Jan 27, 2017
Increase tier
by: Mrs Boots


I am a novice knitter, so these are probably very simple questions about how to read the pattern. What does increase tier 2 and increase tier 3 mean? Also what does 'yf' or 'yo' mean? It can't just mean to bring the yarn front to purl it, or you would have just said to purl, right? Thanks so much for your help!


Increase tier 2 and tier 3 are locations where the increases take place. You can ignore the word tier, when you see one and just look at the instruction. The "yf" and "yo" mean to bring the yarn to front or yarn over needle before you start to knit. When you knit a stitch with yf or yo, the yarn will go over the right needle and create an eyelet. This will gain an extra stitch.


Apr 24, 2016
by: Anonymous


Does the yf mean move the yarn to the front like purling or does it mean you have to yarn over, you don't say how to move the yarn to the front. I am an accomplished knitter but this was confusing.


Sorry, didn't mean to get everyone confused. I guess I'm an old fashion and like to use "yf" instead of "yo". Any way, you can ignor the "yf" and replace it with "yo" everytime you see it. Thank you for the question.


Jul 14, 2015
understanding the pattern
by: Anonymous

So the pattern is to have a yarn over to add stitches to the skirt?

Yes, that is correct.

Jul 13, 2015
Understanding the pattern
by: Anonymous

Question: What does yf mean on the pattern?

Answer: It mean to bring yarn in front of work.

Mar 14, 2013
How To Make Chain Stitch Edge For The Skirt
by: Judy


I'm not sure how to finish this skirt. I'm not a crocheter but am willing to give it a try. Could you explain how to make 3 chain and sc into the 3rd st. I'm not sure what this means.



Hi Judy,

Sorry for keep you waiting. I'm so glad you're willing to give crochet a try. You're such a good sport! I guess the best way to explain this is by showing you how to do it.

I have made a mini video on how to crochet the chain st edge. I hope it will help you accomplish your skirt. I'll be waiting to hear from you.

My video die on me before I completely finished. I was going to tell you about the crochet hook. You can choose a hook that suggested on the yarn label.

You can go to youtube and want it via this link;

Or you can just watch it here.

Aug 18, 2012
Sock Yarn Skirt
by: Marilyn

Question: How much sock yarn is required for the circular stockinette skirt? What size needles did you use?


Marilyn Manente


Answer: I'm sure you referred to this short skirt I posted in the gallery.

short skirt knitted with sock yarn

I used circular needle size 6 (4mm) and I used almost 2 balls (50g) of sock yarn.


May 17, 2012
How To Adjust The Summer Skirt To Fit A 10 Years-old
by: Elaine, USA


I would like to make this summer skirt for a 10 year old. How will I adjust the number of stitches in order to fit her?




Hi Elaine,

Thanks for visiting and for the question. I'm glad you asked. I'm sure other knitters probably wonder the same thing.

This is what you can do to make this skirt fit a 10 years-old. First, check for the waist circumference and then cast on
the # of stitches you want to match the waist measurement. For example if
the waist circumference measure 25 inches and your yarn gauge is 5 sts/inches. You would cast on 125 sts total. Then do the rest of the
pattern the same way. Just cut out elastic waistband as long as you wanted.

I hope this help.


Aug 19, 2011
Is girl skirt only for toddlers?
by: Elaine

The pretty girl 3 tiered skirt (girl skirt in simple stockinette stitch did not list sizes. Is it only for toddlers?

Answer: No, the girl skirt can be customized to fit any size you want. All you have to do is check your yarn gauge and cast on the number of stitches for the desired waist circumference.

Jul 20, 2011
Skirt waist band typo
by: Ratcha

Thank you Knit2bee,

It was my typo! You're right the pattern should read the first 5 rows of the skirt.

I will fix it right away.

Thanks for stopping by,

Jul 20, 2011
Girls Skirt
by: Knit2bee

This sounds fun! I have some stash yarn that should work. The only glitch in your pattern is the waistband part should maybe read " first 5 rows of stitches"?

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