Voliere yarns from Knit Picks

every foll alt row

Hi I am crocheting a baby jacket and I am stuck please help me! The confused part is in ******

Using C2 (C2-C1-C1-C1-C1), cont as folls –
3rd row – (1dc, 1ch) in first tr, 2tr in next tr,
1tr in each tr to last 2 sts, 2tr in next tr, 1tr in
last st … 20 (22-22-24-24-24) sts.

******Keeping Stripe Patt correct as for Back, inc
one st (as before) at each end of every foll alt
row 3 (2-2-0-0-0) times, then in every foll 3rd
row 0 (1-2-4-5-6) times … 26 (28-30-32-
34-36) sts.******

And this is the Stripe Patt
Using C2, work 2 (3-3-4-4-4) rows tr.
Using C1, work 2 (2-3-3-4-5) rows tr.
Last 4 (5-6-7-8-9) rows form Stripe Patt

Thank You
(Sri Lanka)

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Mar 09, 2021
more help
by: Anonymous

Hi Ratcha,

Thank you for your help.

1st row – I understand
2nd row – I understand
3rd row – I understand
And from here I don’t know how many rows I should stitch. I and doing the 6 months –the second option.

should i stitch 2 rows and then 1 more? how do i go from 22 sts to 28 if thats the case. Please help me out!

Mar 08, 2021
increase every foll alternate row in crochet
by: Ratchadawan


I normally don't get a crochet question since I'm working with knitting mostly. Once in awhile someone come up with a question like yours.
Since this crochet increase has the same concept as knitting, I think I can correctly give you an advice.

You asked how to do the following;

******Keeping Stripe Patt correct as for Back, inc
one st (as before) at each end of every foll alt
row 3 (2-2-0-0-0) times, then in every foll 3rd
row 0 (1-2-4-5-6) times … 26 (28-30-32-
34-36) sts.******

Here is how I'd do it;

You increase at each end every other rows for 3 (2-2-0-0-0) times , depending on your pattern side. If yours falls on zero then skip this section and move to the next increase section.
Then increase at each end every 3rd row for 0 (1-2-4-5-6) times depending on your sizes. Skip if yours are 0.

You should end up with 26 (28-30-32-34-36) sts.

I hope this helps.
Thanks for visiting and sharing your question.
Have a great day!


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