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following the pattern after decreasing.

by Caroline
(Scarborough, North Yorkshire)

I am knitting a lacy pattern vest top, and have become "STUCK". 12 ROWS TO PATTERN:- AS FOLLOWS:
1st Row:
K2, *yfwd, K1 tbl, yfon, skpo, K5 rep from * to last 2 sts, K2
I have to cast off 9 sts at the beginning of this row, how do I work out the next stitch following on the pattern?

I feel such a fool as I have already knitted this pattern for my daughter, with no bother. Memory is going!
Hope you can help.
Thanks from Caroline

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Jul 23, 2020
no worry
by: Ratchadawan

No problem at all. Please take care of yourself.


Jul 23, 2020
Advice received for knitting instructions
by: Caroline

Hello Ratcha
I do sincerely apologise for not acknowledging your e-mail concerning my knitting pattern query.
I have had an arthritis flare up so have not as yet been able to try your recommendation.
As soon as I can I will contact you with my results.
Best wishes

Jul 13, 2020
Following pattern after decrease
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Caroline,

"K2, *yfwd, K1 tbl, yfon, skpo, K5 rep from * to last 2 sts, K2"

I'm not sure if I'm right since I don't have the rest of the pattern to look at. According to the pattern above, you have to eliminate 9 sts which are- k2, yfwd, k1tbl, yfon, skpo, and 3 more sts.

This leaves you with, k2, *pattern* repeat to last2 sts, k2.

Hmm.. this is very interesting. You will begin the pattern with exactly the same as the original pattern after decreasing 9 sts!

Does this sounds right to you? It must be right since everything falls into place perfectly.

Thanks for the question. Happy knitting!


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