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Found knitting mistake while fixing another mistake

by Monica
(Fallbrook, Calif. , US)

Hello, I was fixing one mistake and found another. I am knitting stockinette I will attach an image of this strange horizon tal loop of yarn. This loop was knit in with all of the stitches underneath. I just kept removing it from every row looking for the end. That is why it is now exposed. I don’t know from where it came or what to do with it. Thank you in advance for your help.

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Feb 27, 2021

by: Ratchadawan

I think that a good choice, Monica. Knitting is such an adventure. You never know what you will run into. I sure have learned a lot from my past mistakes.

Happy knitting!


Feb 27, 2021
Thank you!
by: Monica

Ratcha, I think I’ll go with cut, tie and hide. I will also have to keep the yarn from getting caught again.
Thank you so much:)

Feb 25, 2021
Finding a mistake - a loop of yarn
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Monica,

This happened when the yarn got caught on something during knitting. There are two ways that you can fix this.
One way is to cut the loop in two halves and tie them once, then weave the ends behind the wrong side.

Two, you can rip your work apart to where the loop is and start over again.

Thanks for the question and visit.
Have fun knitting!


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