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Going from sl1yo to wrap and turn

by Jessica
(San Antonio, Texas)

I have a pattern that is working a brioche stitch. I’m now being asked to do wrap and turn starting right after a sl1yo. I’m a little confused to how to do the yarn over and w&t the following brioche stitch correctly.

Any videos or advice you could turn me to?

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May 03, 2020
sl 1 yo, wrap and turn
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Jessica,

Thank you for the question and visit.
Yes, wrap and turn can be a bit confusing. I don't have a video of my own to show you but I've found what I think might be perfect for your question. The wrap and turn is at around 3:30min into the video.

Here is a wrap and turn on Brioche Stitch Video;

Take care!

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