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Help! White Buffalo Adult Vest

by Julie
(B.C. Canada)

I am trying to complete a knitted White Buffalo Adult Vest (pattern #202) for a friends Mother who cannot knit anymore. The problem I am having is the neckband!!!! grrrr. It states to pick up 25 stitches (?) on left side, just don't understand as I am to pick up 66 on the armband.....Am I to pick up 25 on the left side stitches on the back and 25 on the right?

Don't know if I am just reading it wrong, but could use some ones opinion on this. The zipper was purchased and given to me, it seems to be the length including the ribbed rows required for neckband...

Hope I have explained myself properly. Thanks in advance....


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Oct 15, 2015
Pick Up Stitches
by: Ratchadawan

No problem at all. I can't wait to hear how it turns out too.



Oct 12, 2015
Buffalo Knit Vest
by: Julie

Thank you for your comment, it just reinforced my decision to do just that...pick up 25 then stitches on stitch holder and then another 25....

I'll let you know how it turns out LOL.


Oct 12, 2015

by: Ratchadawan

Hi Julie,

From what you wrote above, I understood that you need to pick up 25 sts on the left side, then the pattern should states how many sts to pick up on the back of neck, then pick up another 25 sts on the right. Could you check the pattern again and find out what it says about picking up at the back of the neck. I know, sometimes it's very easy to miss. If you couldn't find it, I would then pick up the same number of stitches that has been bound off for the back neck.

I'm sorry I couldn't help much, I tried searching for the pattern but it only has it for sale. The vest looks very beautiful!

Best of luck on the project though.


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