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Help with 2nd row please! - Scalloped Edge Knitting Pattern

by Michael Parker
(Liverpool, England)

I'm trying to complete a scallop edge, I've cast on 72 stitches and completed 1st row which leaves me with 31 stitches. The 2nd row should leave me with 61 stitches but always leaves me short? Help!

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Feb 10, 2021
Help with Scallped edge knitting pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Michael,

Thank you for visiting and questioning.
I think I know what the problem is.
You should end up with 3 sts when working with (p1, yon, k1tbl) into the next yfwd. You many have 2 sts instead of 3 sts due to yon mistake.
To correct this problem, you can do it like this;
p1, leave the yarn where it is, insert the right needle into the back of the same stitch and knit it with the yarn over the needle. This should give you 3 sts.

If you still having a problem with this then let me know. I'll will make a video for you.

Have a wonderful day!

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