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Help with pattern - I am stumped!

by Janet

baby sweater pattern instruction

baby sweater pattern instruction


I am in the process of knitting a baby sweater. I was doing fine, until the part in question. I am enclosing a picture of the section I am stuck on. I indicated with a star where I am currently. I was able to complete...Next Row- bind off 7 stitches, k to within 3 sts of end, yo, k3. My problem is with the rest of instructions in that part (up to ribbing). Please help!!!!



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May 09, 2017
Help with pattern - I am stumped!
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Jane,

I'll try my best to explain the pattern. Here we go;
So you did the BO 7 sts, K to last 3 sts, Yo, K3. This is the inner edge of the right front and you will work increases (using yo) on this side. At the same time, you will also work decreases on the opposite side which is the underarm edge. This is the time where I usually start keeping track of each row using paper and pen. Here is what the next row should look like;

Note: I'm giving each row a number because it's easier for me explain the pattern.

Your last finish row (right side) : BO 7 sts, K to last 3 sts, Yo, K3
Next row Row 1 (wrong side): work to last 3 sts, (p2tog or k2tog depending on your pattern), work the last sts. (This is the underarm decrease part. You can choose to dec anyway you want. I just usually do it that way.
Row 2: K1, K2tog, K to last 3 sts, yo, k3.
Row 3: As row 1.
Row 4: As row 2.
Row 5: As row 1.
At this point, you should have decreased 5 sts. at the underarm edge already. So, we now will dec every 2nd row twice.
Row 6: K to last 3 sts, yo, k3.
Row 7: As row 1.
Rep row 6 and 7 once more. (50 sts total)

Now the decrease part is all completed. So now all you have to worry is the increase part (the inner edge of the front border).
Continue working even on the wrong side rows alternating with increasing rows (Row 1) until you have a total of 25 times increases from the beginning or a total of 75 sts on your needle.

I think I covered everything for this part and hope I didn't make mistake.

Good luck and let me know if you found something you think it's not looking right.


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