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Help with selvedge edge on a moss stitch scarf

by Suki
(Redondo Beach)

Hello, I am a basic knitting and am making a moss stitch scarf. My selvedge edges were not stacked v's. I figured out it was the direction I was bringing the working edge forward and or backward after the slip stitch. Now one edge is correct, but the other end is a mess of v/s and what looks like a bar from a purl stitch. I have unraveled the yarn almost 20 times. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

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Jun 06, 2020
Help with selvedge edge on a moss stitch scarf
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Suki,

Thank you for sharing your question and your work with us. It's confusing when you're knitting pattern and trying to do the selvedge edge at the same time.

There are different ways of doing selvedges. I like to slip the first stitch purlwise and then always knit the last stitch. This work out best when you work with a plain stockinette stitch. I've tried it with seed st.

Here are some resources for doing selvedge edges;


have fun knitting!

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