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Help with where I am in the pattern

In the baby cardigan I’m making, which is done in one piece to the armholes, (where I am now) I’m told to purl 28 stitches and leave remaining stitches on a holder. I then continue on the right side of the work, keeping the pattern correct, on the 28 stitches.
When I turn the work to pattern the 28 stitches, I don’t know where I am in the pattern. I’ve tried counting backwards but I run into a slip one, k2 tog psso situation.

The pattern row is as follows: 28 stitches.
P5, k3, *k2 tog YO, slip 1, k2 tog, PSSO, YO k2 tog tbl, repeat from * across to last 9 stitches, k4 p5.
Thank you

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Jun 23, 2021
Baby cardigan armhole
by: Ratchadawan

On the pattern that you wrote above doesn't add up to 28 sts.

P5, k3, *k2 tog YO, slip 1, k2 tog, PSSO, YO k2 tog tbl, repeat from * across to last 9 stitches, k4 p5.

There are p5, k3, *7sts repeat* k4, p5. That only 24 sts. unless you bound off 4sts at the beginning of the armhole.

The best way to keep track of where you're on the pattern is to use stitch markers. Mark one at the end of k3, and mark one just before k4. This way you can keep the 7 stitch-pattern separate from the rest of them.

I wish I could help you more.


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