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how do I connect a waist band to the dog sweater?

by Claudia
(Springfield, OR)

I'm trying to make the dog sweater for a chihuahua listed under FROG MONKEY and I don't know how to connect the under belly waist band. Can you help me.

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Mar 08, 2019
How do I connect a waist band to the dog sweater?
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Claudia,

I've been googling for the dog pattern you describe but I didn't find it anywhere. I'd like to help if I can but I have no clue how the belly waistband look like in this pattern. Is it elastic or is it knitted band?
Can you give me the link to the pattern of send me a photo or a copy of the pattern to look at it. You can sent me an email me at; ratchachambers@to-knit-knitting-stitches.com if you have problem submitting the photo here.

I'm looking forward to see the pattern,

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