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How do I correct floral pattern in bag.

by Denise B
(Western Aus, Australia)

I am kntting market bags all in one - From handle down to base, I knit a few extra rows to mark bottom/base of bag and then start knitting up to end off at second handle.
I found a really nice flower pattern, but when I reverse the rows for first half of bag, the pattern whilst looks the same flower shape, the detail either side is different than the half that I knit from Row 1 up to Row 10.
Flower head, stem and two branches/leaves either side. The pattern is defined by K2tog, ssk etc.

I've tried many different ways to have the pattern look the same, but cannot understand why it would turn out slightly different looking knitting Rows 10 to 1 from Rows 1 to 10.

Are you able to shed any light?
Or will I simply have to knit the two panels (front and back) separately and sew up side, base and other side (in lieu of just sewing up each side?)

I've attached pics of both sides of the bag.

Many thanks,

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Nov 30, 2022
Floral pattern query
by: Denise B

Hi Ratcha,
Thank you so much for responding; Sorry I didn't attach the other picture of Rows 1 - 10; Will try again now.

Nov 30, 2022
floral pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Denise,

I couldn't think of a way to knit it more perfect than this. When you knit it from up side down then it'll look slightly different because of the stitch structure (that V shape).

Like you said, I think the only way to make both side look alike is to knit them separately.

The pictures are both from the row 10-1. I couldn't compare both sides.

Beautiful pattern, by the way. This is going to be a gorgeous market bag!

Thanks for the visit!


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