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How do I K5, drop these 5 sts off the needle?

by Julie
(Cumberland, RI)

How do I K5, drop these 5 sts off the needle and allow them to unravel forming loops, then bind off the next certain number of stitches? The pattern is Berocco Faye. The loops will be cut to make fringe around the bottom of the sweater. Thank you.

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Jul 20, 2021
Forming a loop
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Julie,

I would do knit the next 5 sts as usual. Then slip these sts off the right needle. The stitches will unravel and turn into a big loop. Then proceed to the next step of binding off per direction. The first bind off st will be a little loose to knit. Just have to pull the yarn a bit tight.

I hope this makes sense. Sorry for a late reply. We were on vacation.

Thanks for sharing your question. Enjoy your evening!


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