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How do I knit this Stich pattern ?

by Siann
(Australia )

I’m knitting Columns Scarf by Knitpicks.com.

Row 1 (RS): With MC, K1, *Sk 1 st and K into next st, then
K into skipped st, then Sl both sts from needle tog, K3; rep from *, ending last rep with K1.

I don’t understand how I can do this please.

Kind regards

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Jul 23, 2023

by: Ratchadawan

Hi Siann,

Please take a look at this video at 1:50.

It shows you how to do the "Sk 1 st and K into next st, then K into skipped st, then Sl both sts from needle tog". This is just like a cable without a cable needle. You should get the right slant stitch.

Here is how to do the whole row just in case you needed help with row 1.

First, using the main color, k1, * then ks 1 st and k into next st, then K into sk st, the slip both sts from needle tog, k3* Then you repeat what inside the *-* to the last st, then k1.

Best to you!

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