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How do I plan out the sleeve increases?

by Marjorie M

Sleeve Pattern (Increases)

Sleeve Pattern (Increases)

How do I plan out the sleeve increases?

I am knitting this pattern here and have been confused for a few days due to the sleeve increases. I am knitting the size that corresponds to the second last numbers in parentheses: (19), (6th).(97) & (9)

*** = the main issue

“Change to No. 7 (4½ mm) needles and work 6 rows in pattern as given for back. Keeping continuity of pattern to match back, taking
extra sts into the pattern as they occur, *** inc 1 st at each end of the next row and the 10 (8) (11) (9) (22) (19) (20) following 6th (8th) (6th) (8th) (5th) (6th) (6th) rows *** - 55 (59) (65) (69) (95) (97) (99) sts. Pattern another 3 (5) (9) (9) (13) (9) (3) rows. Cast off.”

Do I:
- work 6 rows as normal
- increase 1 at each end for the 7th row
- Continue knitting the pattern until reaching the 19th row where I increases at each end again
- and then every following 6th row, increase 1 at each end until reaching the number of sts needed

Do I
- work 6 rows as normal
- increase 1 at each end beginning on the 7th row and continue until the 19th row
- continue increase 1 at each end for every 6th row until reaching the number of sts needed

I might be overthinking this, but please help if you can!

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Jun 29, 2022

by: Ratchadawan

"Change to No. 7 (4½ mm) needles and work 6 rows in pattern as given for back. Keeping continuity of pattern to match back, taking
extra sts into the pattern as they occur, *** inc 1 st at each end of the next row and the 10 (8) (11) (9) (22) (19) (20) following 6th (8th) (6th) (8th) (5th) (6th) (6th) rows *** - 55 (59) (65) (69) (95) (97) (99) sts. Pattern another 3 (5) (9) (9) (13) (9) (3) rows. Cast off."

Hi Marjorie,

Both example you mentioned above are not correct.

Here is what it means ; Inc 1 st at each end of the next row (7th row), and then 19 following 6th rows.

You increase on the 7th row and then increase on every 6th rows for 19 times. You should have 97 sts on the needle at the completion of the increase. Then work 9 rows without increasing and then cast off.

Thanks for the question. Hope this helps.
Happy needling!


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