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how do I sew together a hood ?

I have finished a baby sweater with an attached hood the pattern says to sew together side seams and arm seams. and the hood seams. The hood is a long rectangle help there is no other instruction and I am having problems with this.

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May 31, 2018
the hood
by: Ratchadawan

You're welcome!

May 30, 2018
How to attach hood
by: Carol Thornton

Thank you so much it made sense more than just sew the hood together! Thank you for your help

May 30, 2018
How to sew together a hood
by: Ratchadawan

Sew together side seams and arm seams first and then do the hood.

With the wrong side up, lay the hood down so that the height of the hood is in a vertical position. Fold the top edge down to meet the bottom edge. Using a needle and yarn to close off one side of the fold (the side that you want it to be at the back of the neck) leaving one side open for the front of the hood. The opening at the base of the hood is to be attached with the sweater at the neckline.

Attach a hood to a sweater;

Place the base of the hood along the sweater neckline. The seam of the hood should be at the center of the neckline. Make sure that the right sides of the hood and the sweater are together before attaching them. Seam them together.

I don't know if that makes any sense to you. But I tried.
Let me know if you still need help. Maybe I need to add some drawing in this.

Thank for the question and visiting. Have a great day!


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