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How do I turn work mid row? I'm very confused by this row in my pattern

by Aleasha
(Saint John NB Canada )

This section of the pattern is for the edging portion so I have 400+ stitches on my circular needles at this point.
The pattern reads with color A using knitted co, co 5 stitches.
Row 1 (RS): K4, ssk the last border st with the first body st on left needle, turn work
Row 2 (WS): sl1 wyif, knit to end, turn work.

I'm just confused as to how I turn my work when I'm not at the end of my row? Any help in understanding the pattern or instructions on how to turn work would be appreciated

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Jul 27, 2024
Turning work mid row
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Alaska,

Thanks for visiting and asking. This pattern you're working on involves short rows to create the edging, which can be a bit tricky when you're working with a large number of stitches. Here's a breakdown of the instructions and how to manage the turning:

1. Starting with Color A and Casting On 5 Stitches:
- You will start by using Color A to cast on 5 stitches. These stitches are typically added to the end of the row on the edge you are working on.

2. Row 1 (Right Side - RS):
- Knit the first 4 stitches.
- Then, you’ll need to "ssk" (slip, slip, knit) the last border stitch with the first body stitch on the left needle. This creates a slight slant or seam in your fabric. After completing this decrease, you’ll need to turn your work around.

Turning the Work:
- When the pattern says to "turn work," it means you will flip your work around to work back in the opposite direction. Even though you're not at the end of the row, you only work a portion of the row and then turn your work to start back in the other direction.
- To turn your work, simply rotate it 180 degrees as you would at the end of a normal row. This will leave you with the wrong side facing you, and you’ll start working back towards the beginning of the row.

3. Row 2 (Wrong Side - WS):
- Slip the first stitch purlwise with the yarn in front (wyif), then knit to the end of the row. This row is creating the "wrong side" of your short row section.
- After reaching the end of Row 2, turn your work again to start the next row.

This method of turning the work before reaching the end of the row is common in short-row techniques. It helps create shaping or texture without working the entire row.

Have fun!

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