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How Do You K4 Below (K4B)

by Julia
(England )

I'm ribbing front border in rib on baby Cady, pattern says cast off 5 stitches then k4 below. How do I do this?

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Nov 11, 2015
Knit 4 Below
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Julia,

I've done k1 below but never K4B. I would assume it would be the same way as K1B except picking up the forth stitches below instead of one. I've looked around the web to find some answer just to make sure my assumption is right. I came across this pattern call "Tuck Stitch" which involves K4B.

Here is a link to a video that show how to do K 4 below.

How To Knit The Tuck Stitch (has k4 below)

Video Source: http://newstitchaday.com/how-to-knit-the-tuck-stitch/

Or watch a video directly here;

Good luck on your project,


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