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How to follow instructions for a jumper’s neck?

by Nancy Schuelke
(Minnesota, USA)

Place 23 stitches on front in a holder. Continue to work back and forth in rows. Continue to work Dec rnd as set and shape each side of front neck on every 2nd row as follows: Place 3 sts onto
a holder, place 2 sts onto a holder 3 times, place 1
st onto a holder 3 times. 41 (45, 45, 47, 47) sts on holder for front neck.
I did the placing the 23 stitches in a holder, but don’t understand how to go on.
Thanks for your help,
Nancy Schuelke

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Feb 26, 2022
Neck decrease instruction
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Nancy,

I'm assuming the 23 sts are at the center of the front between the 12 sts of the right and left shoulders.

This is certainly something new for me but I understand the concept.
I am accustom to decrease neck edge by binding off. For this instruction, instead of binding them off, you place them on hold with the center neck stitches. Then later on you work them into a neck band.

So, this is how I understand it;
Working one side at the time. Let's say you're now on the right side and the 23 sts are already on hold on a holder.

The end of the yarn should be at the 12th stitch of the right front. Begin working the 1st row by turning work and work on the wrong side till the end of the row. (slip the first stitch to make decrease more even)
2nd row (right side): work to last 3 sts. Place the last 3 sts on a new holder.
3rd row(WS): sl 1, work to end of the row.
4th row(RS): work to last 2 sts and place these last 2 sts on the holder.
5th row: as 3rd row.
6th row: as 4th row.
7th row: as 3 rd row.
8th ow: as 4th row.
9th row: as 3rd row.
10th row: work to last st, and place the last st on the holder.
11th row as 3rd row.
Rep rows 10 and 11, 2 more times

all sts on the right should have been worked at this point.

Use a new yarn to start a new row on the left side of the neck. Begin working from the neck edge toward the left side.

I hope this makes sense.
Thanks for the question and visit. Have a great evening!


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