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How to increase 20 stitches evenly in the next row

My sister knits she says she has 146 stitches and now it says increase next row by 20 stitches how does she do this.

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Nov 24, 2017
How to increase 20 stitches evenly in the next row
by: Ratchadawan

You can divide 146 by 20 = 7.3 to get an estimate of how often you need to work the increases. In this case you can increase a stitch every 7th st and you will gain 20 sts amost evenly. Usually, I start my first increase just about half of the what I have to do. For example, I would increase my first stitch about the 3rd of 4th sts if I have to do it every 7th. So that I don't have my last increase at the end of the row.

Thank you for your question and hope my advice helps your sister.


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