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How to knit into selvedge stitch in same orientation

I am struggling to understand my knitting pattern. I have already knitted 1 square with a selvedge in ridge stitch. I am now trying to knit in ridge stitch the next section, attaching on to the selvedge stitches from the first section ( in same orientation as original square). Please see knitting instructions for first 2 rows:

Row 1 (WS): Using cable cast on with WS facing, cast on 10 stitches. Do not turn, knit 9, slip 1 purlwise, pick up and knit one selvedge stitch from Section 1 and k2tog tbl.
Row 2 (RS): slip 1 wyif, k9.

I have managed to do cable cast on, knit 9 and slip 1 purlwise. Where I am getting confused is how then to knit selvedge stitch and k2tog. Is this instruction actually for my first knit stitch rather than after I slip the stitch?

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Apr 06, 2020
Picking up and knit ridge stitch with salvage st
by: Ratchadawan

Hi there,

After you slip the stitch, you then pick up and knit the first ridge of the 1st piece. Once you have a new stitch on your right-hand needle, you then knit this new one together with the slip stitch through the back loops. You can do this by inserting the left needle into the front of these stitches and then knit them together.

When repeating row 1, you don't need to cast on again. Just knit back, slip and join.

I hope this helps. Thanks for the question and visit.

Have a lovely day!


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