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How To Knit This Row - k1,*p1,k4, (k1,yfwd,k1) all in next stitch, k4, rep from* once, p1,k1.

by Elizabeth
(Rye, Vic, AUS)


My pattern reads k1,*p1,k4, (k1,yfwd,k1) all in next stitch, k4, rep from* once, p1,k1. does this mean I repeat this whole row again?


Hi Elizabeth,

No, you don't repeat the whole row again. First you work K1, *p1, k4, (k1,yfwd, k1) all in next stitch, k4, and then you go back and work from * which is {p1, k4, (k1,yfwd,k1)all in next stitch, k4} one more time and then finish with p1, k1.

Hope this helps.

Happy needling!


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Aug 11, 2019
all in one stitch
by: Ratchadawan

"k1,*p1,k4, (k1,yfwd,k1) all in next stitch, k4, rep from* once, p1,k1. "

The only part we have to make them all in one stich is thr "k1, yfwd,k1" .

This is how I will describe this row;
start out with k1, * then p1 and k4. Next, k the next st but leave the st on the needle and don't slip it off, bring yarn over to the front and knit into the same st again with yarn over needle, now slip them off the left needle at once. ( please search for k1,yo,k1 into the same st in youtube It's the same thing as k1,yfwd,k1 into the same st.) then k4. continue knitting this row by repeating from *p1, k4, (k1,yfwd,k1)all in the same st, k4 one more time. then p1, k1.

That's pretty much how you work this row.
Hope this is helpful. thanks for visiting!


Aug 05, 2019
all in one stitch how
by: Anonymous

how can i do that? can u please explain .thank u.

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